Moderní "Solid State" PA 1000 W pro pásma 160-6 m
• KV + 6m, vf výkon 1000 W trvalá nosná bez časového omezení, buzení typicky 50 W
• Barevný 5“ displej 800x480 zobrazující přehledně všechny parametry
• Automatické přepínání pásem podle vstupního kmitočtu nebo dat z TRXu
• Pracuje při plném výkonu až do PSV 1,5:1, do PSV 3:1 při menším výkonu
• Plně ovladatelný prostřednictvím RS-232
• Možnost připojení externího anténního tuneru (04AT nebo 06AT)
• Napájení 100-240 V, 50-60 Hz, 2100 VA jednofázově pro plný výkon
• Rozměry a hmotnost: 372 x 418 x 162 mm (š x h x v), 16 kg
Pro propojení PA s TRX, ATU, PC, SteppIR a posobně zvažte "S-BOX" od N6TV. Vytvořil jej tak, aby bylo možné používat plně stíněné hotové 15pinové a 9pinové kabely, přičemž veškeré vlastní zapojení se provádí uvnitř propojovací krabice namísto uvnitř konektorů. Krabička je užitečná zejména pro zákazníky, kteří mají různé platformy pro připojení k zesilovači ACOM, jako jsou Icom a Yaesu. Součástí je bezplatné předprodejní poradenství a vlastní schémata připojení. Detaily naleznete ZDE. Kontakt na výrobce a dodavatele: N6TV zavináč ARRL.NET.
Zákaznické recenze zde (v AJ).
Návod k použití v ČJ
- Five inch (5”) (108x65mm) high resolution color display, 800x480 pixels and 24-bits colors.
- The final stage uses field effect (MOSFET) transistors type BLF188 from NXP, designed to withstand high mismatch (SWR) at the output and intended for operation in aerospace, industrial, mobile, and radio broadcast applications.
- Compatible with all transceiver models available on the market - does not need any special signals: “ground on transmit” (PTT) and 50W of RF drive power is sufficient.
- Broadband input circuit providing a perfect transceiver load with SWR below 1.2:1 (typically 1.1:1), without retuning throughout the whole frequency range from 1.8 to 54MHz.
- The overall operation of ACOM 1200S is extremely simplified: the screen menus are intuitive and easy to follow and no special skill is required from the operator when changing frequency bands.
- Possibility of automatic control – when connected to a transceiver with a CAT interface, the amplifier monitors constantly, duly follows the operating frequency, and changes the bands accordingly. Even if not connected with CAT interface, the amplifier monitors the frequency of the input signal through the built-in frequency counter and automatically switches over the bands.
- Remotely controlled by RS232 interface.
- Takes care of itself during operation due to the continuously working protection circuits in all modes.
- The operator can monitor digitally more than 10 parameters concerning the working regime of the amplifier.
- Easy maintenance – detailed data (55 parameters) about each of the last 28 hard-fault protection trips is stored in the amplifier’s nonvolatile memory.
- Convenient for expeditions and field operation: extremely compact and light construction, extended mains voltage range (93V÷265V), limited inrush current and purely sinusoidal consumed mains current, automatic Power Factor Correction (PFC) – all significant parameters in operation from unstable mains, generators etc. features achieved thanks to the built-in switching mode power supply (SMPS).
- Perfect electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) both with the highly sensitive as well as with the powerful appliances in the radio station (receivers, computers, more amplifiers) exceeding the standard EMC requirements due to the use of PFC and the built-in additional radio-frequency filters.
- Rated output power: 1000W +/-0.5dB, PEP or continuous carrier (1200W typically).
- Intermodulation distortions (IMD3): better than 30dB below the rated PEP output.
- Harmonic and parasitic emissions output suppression: better than 60dB (65dB typically).
- Input and output impedances: nominal value: 50 Ohm unbalanced, UHF (SO239) type connectors;
- Input circuit: broadband, SWR below 1.2:1 (1.1:1 typically); 1.8 – 54 MHz continuous range without retuning or switching;
- RF by-pass path SWR - below 1.1:1, 1.8-54 MHz;
- Admissible SWR at the output load (the antenna): up to 3:1 with proportional power reduction and up to 1.5:1 for full output power;
- RF power gain: 14 dB +/-1dB;
- Mains power supply voltage: 93 - 265 V without switching;
- Mains power consumption at full output power: 2000VA or less with a power factor of 0.95 or higher;
- Mains power consumption in Low Energy (waiting) mode: less than 1VA;
- Complies with EU safety regulations and electromagnetic compatibility standards, as well as with the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules;
- Environment working conditions:
- temperature range: -10 C to +40 C (14 F to 104 F);
- relative air humidity: up to 95% @ 35 C (95 F);
- Dimensions (projections not included) and weight, operating: (D x W x H) 418 x 372 x 162 mm (16,46 x 14,65 x 6,38 In); 16 kg (26.5 Lbs).